Well, only about 10 minutes to write, yet again... I promise, sometime I will be better... but, until that time, I hope you all had a wonderful week and here is what's happening in the life of Sister Griffith:
This week was definitely delicious on Monday as we had some literally authentic Honduran food from one of our members from Honduras. It was so delicious and made me feel like I was serving somewhere other than Bonners Ferry, Idaho for a second. It was so yummy!! haha, anyway....
This week proved to be interesting as a lot of people we tried in the last couple of days have either not been home, been really unpleasant to us, or have just been a bunch of uninterested, but still wonderful, Children of God. BUT, earlier this week, we went out and contacted a bunch of people in our area book and it was like a Tuesday at like 2:30 or something like that and EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. WE. CONTACTED. WAS. HOME!! How awesome is that? What are the odds of that happening? Not very great, unless if Heavenly Father wants it to happen, then by golly, it will! :) We were blessed to be able to find a new investigator, Clark, and also to set up a lot of return appointments for this week with all of those people.. what a blessing!!! :) We also contacted this 94 yr-old lady, Maxiene. She couldn't hear.. like, at all... So she plugged in this device and put it on her table and told us to speak into it. It was quite the peculiar sight for us to yell into this box on her table and not actually be able to look at her when we talked, but she was a pleasant lady... uninterested, but pleasant. :)
Wednesday proved to be the beginning of a miraculous chain of events. Something really spiritual that happened this week was that I finally got to meet one of our Investigators, David, after 5 weeks in Bonners Ferry. We were eating dinner with his wife and before we had gone, she had told us he wouldn't be home from work yet so we wouldn't be able to have a lesson with him. WELL, Sister Rogers and I both felt like he was going to show up, so we went to dinner, and sure enough, about 10 minutes after we get there, who should walk in but David himself!!! It. Was. Awesome! We were able to have a wonderful lesson with him and he said that he has been reading about Howard W Hunter in the manual for this year, and that he has been reading The Book of Mormon and that he believes absolutely everything he has read so far. He told us that he had a dream about Joseph Smith and that he couldn't tell us much about it because it was really sacred, but that he knows there's something special about him. He had that dream after praying about if Joseph Smith is a Prophet or not, but even after that, he said he didn't understand why he needed to be baptized again (even after we explained Priesthood authority and everything to him). He was in the ministry for 25 years, so he has a lot of knowledge and is a super spiritual guy, and feels as though he has proceeded past the covenant of baptism and should be able to do something more. Anyway... so, regardless of all of that, we felt prompted to ask him about whether it was right to be baptized again or not, and whether this is the only true church on the earth, and he said, "well, the last thing that you asked me to pray about worked so well, I will accept the invitation and pray about this too." THEN, the most amazing thing happened. He had never been to church before (that's the reason he got out of the ministry - because he believes that organized religions are all corrupt), but yesterday at church we were greeting people and someone comes up and slugs me on the arm. Confused, I look over, and who is it? David himself, right there, in the flesh, at church! MY JAW PROBABLY LITERALLY HIT THE FLOOR I WAS SO SHOCKED! I don't think anything could have wiped the smile off of my face yesterday. Throughout the meetings, he had a smile on his face the entire time. WHAT A MIRACLE!! Missionary work is just the best! Also, our Recent Convert that went to the temple last week, Amie, gave her first talk in Sacrament meeting and was totally inspired. She spoke exactly on what both David and Kymm needed to hear and it was so amazing. She said she had planned to talk about something else, but changed last minute. The Spirit is so cool. Heavenly Father is so aware of His Children.! :)
HOW AMAZING IS THAT STORY!? True fact my friends.. those things really did happen, and it was wonderful!!! I am so excited to see him progress more this week and in the months to come! He is seriously soooo cool, and he does art, so I feel as though we are kindred spirits, in a sense. :)
On Thursday Sister Rogers and I traveled down to Coeur d' Alene for me to go to the Doctor.. yet again. Man, I'll tell ya, some people's Sister Missionaries getting sick so much....... Well, really it's only been like one, long, drawn out, sinus infection, but.. it's all relative. The whole experience proved to be a testimony builder. :) I have learned a lot this week about how much our Heavenly Father loves us and cares for us and how he truly stands ready at any time of the day or night to hear our prayers. I have been sick with a sinus infection for mostly my entire mission, went to the Dr and got antibiotics twice, and it finally went away, but this pressure that I have had in my throat has never gone... It has gotten pretty annoying, and the 2nd Dr that I went to was really worried about it, so he sent me to an ENT. The night before going, I asked the Elders to give me a Priesthood blessing and in the blessing, Heavenly Father said that the Dr's would be able to find out what's wrong and that I would be grateful for modern medicine that makes it possible for us to heal. Talk about a blessing of comfort right there! What an amazing gift the Priesthood is. So, I went to the Dr and she found out that I have something called Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. Basically that just means that the acids in my stomach are coming up and burning my voice box and throat and esophagus, so... that's fun. Anyway, I've got to be on medicine for a pretty long time, but I am sooooo grateful that the have finally figured it out so that I don't have to keep going to these Dr's. Also, I am go grateful for that Priesthood blessing from my Heavenly Father and the direct fulfillment I was able to have my testimony strengthened by! What a tender mercy! :)
Anyway, this week truly has been a wonderful time. I am so lucky to be serving a mission right now and for all of the amazing, once-in-a-lifetime, things I am able to experience out here serving the Lord. The church is true! Have a wonderful week, everyone. Love you all! :)
Oh! Transfer calls are next week.... (ALREADY!? where did the time go? I have no idea). Will I stay or will I go? (Hopefully stay seeing as I just got here and this work in Bonners Ferry is the BEST). Stay tuned! :)
-This really funny sign in a trailer park we went to this week. :)