Well hello again! I feel like the weeks keep getting shorter and shorter and time keeps running faster and faster. In just 2 weeks the transfer will be over, and Sister Kitchen will be going home. (Insert crying face here)... I feel like the transfer just started. Time just has a way of moving on whether we want it to or not.. crazy life.
This week, though, was spectacular! It is such a blessing to be a missionary... even when we don't find people to teach for the majority of the week. But, that's okay! Saturday and Sunday were just awesome! :) On Saturday, we were walking in a little subdivision, and noticed a garage sale happening. So, we approached the lady running it and asked her if she wanted an extra couch to sell (so we could get rid of ours-new rule.. to make our apartments less appealing to be in, haha. :) ). Well, she said that would be nice, and we started talking to her about the Church. Her kids were all outside too, and she was super nice. She said that they'd be interested in going on a Church tour, so that was really a miracle as well! She didn't become a new investigator right then, but we're expecting her to this week. Then, yesterday, after fasting for success and to be able to find the elect, we felt impressed to contact a certain potential, Mel. Well, we drove by his house and he was outside watering his lawn. We parked the car, walked over to him, and got to talking about the Restoration. He said he's interested in learning more and said we could stop by again tonight to teach him, so hopefully that means we'll get to talk to his wife as well. It was such a tender mercy. I know Heavenly Father hears our prayers.
Another really awesome thing that happened this week was right after the Sacrament in the first ward we attend on Sundays. I was contemplating about how to be a better missionary and thinking about why we weren't finding the elect (a lot of our investigators say they want to meet, but then give 110 excuses on why they can't), and one of the members comes to our row and says, "Sisters, will you come outside for a second?" Well, we did, and there was a lady standing there who said, "I'm investigating your church. I'm going to move across the street in a few days, and for some reason I keep being led to this specific Church every time that I drive past. I know I'm supposed to learn about this." EXCUSE ME WHILE I INTERNALLY FREAK OUT! IT WAS SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only did Heavenly Father literally bring someone to us, but I was so humbled in that experience. If I am trying my hardest, the Lord will make up the difference, and everything will work out just fine. How cool is that? Super cool, right? Her name is Elizabeth and she is awesome. More information to come in the next few weeks, I'm sure. :)
I know that this Church is true. I have had a lot of opportunities this week with the Scriptures. Something really amazing that stood out to me this week was in Ether 12:37, "And it came to pass that the Lord said unto me: If they have not charity it mattereth not unto thee, thou hast been faithful; wherefore, thy garments shall be made clean. And (this is the best part) ***because thou hast seen thy weakness thou shalt be made strong***, even unto the sitting down in the place which I have prepared in the mansions of my Father." Anyway.. I love that SO much. It is in recognizing our weaknesses that the Lord is able to make them strengths. That has helped my perspective on becoming better a lot. What a blessing. Seriously though.. isn't that a hopeful thought? "Because thou hast SEEN thy weakness thou shalt be made strong." Notice, the Lord doesn't say, "Because thou hast overcome and no longer has thy weakness thou hast been made strong." The Scriptures are so true, and so amazing! :)
Let's see... what else? Well, last week for P-day we went mini-golfing as a district... well... I've never been mini golfing before, and I was super bad at it.. let's just say, if we were playing Basketball, then my score for mini golf would have won... so... yeah... BUT.. cool thing happened. So, at the end of the course, you return your ball by putting it into one of those carnival game things that has all of the pegs where it goes back and forth and you're trying to get it to be in the hole in the middle.... hopefully you know what I'm talking about.. but, anyway.. I ended up winning that game, so I got a free game of mini golf, so that was awesome... Score! :) .. that will definitely come in handy when I go again someday with a future district or something.
Also, there are a ton of members here that own free restaurants in Coeur d' Alene, so today in just a few minutes after we get done emailing, Sister Kitchen and I are going to go get some free food! There's a super good, expensive, Brazilian grill that a member owns and they said they'd let us have free lunch (So, with any luck I'm going to try some super cool, unusual foods today.), and another member who owns a bakery... so... this should be good. Free food is the best.
HAVE THE BEST WEEK!! Love you all!
OH! Also, something else cool that happened this week was that we had a lesson with Trinity and I just kept feeling prompted the entire time to invite her to be baptized. Well, eventually I got up the courage to, and she started tearing up and was like, "I really want to. That's definitely something I've been thinking about." Miracle!!! This life is great. Well, love you all! You deserve the best! :)