Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Week 44: 10 Months and Counting

June 13, 2016
Okay, seriously.. this time needs to stop going by so fast. I'm like 98% sure that it was just yesterday that I was saying that I hit 9 months. Holy guacamole, this is crazy business. Well, this week was pretty swell, let me tell you! :) 

We were able to see many miracles once again.. I don't know what it is, but missionary work is seriously my favorite thing ever. Here are some highlights of the week in the few minutes I have left to write: 

It's such a blessing to be out preaching the Gospel and learning of the truthfulness of the fact that the Lord is preparing people each and every day.. we just have to find them, which is often the hardest part! On exchanges with Sister Parker (she just hit her 3 month mark this week), we were contacting a Potential, who is a single dad, and when we knocked on his door we were warmly received and he was like, "Oh HEY! How's it going!?" Like he knew us personally or something...haha, better than some people's reactions. Then, we started to talk to him about the Restoration and he was like, "Yeah, I go to a Christian church with my mom sometimes, but I'd love for you to come by again and talk to me about your Church." Well, we set up a return appointment with him and will be going by tomorrow for a lesson. It's nothing unique or overwhelmingly spectacular, and it's basically the same sort of scenario that happens whenever we find another person to teach, but every single time my heart is just filled with joy knowing that another of God's children is softening their heart by having a desire to come closer to Him and His perfect Son. You'd think that I'd be used to this happiness by now, but nope! Each and every time it makes me just as happy. :)

ANOTHER SUPER AWESOME THING HAPPENED JUST THIS MORNING.... I FINISHED READING THE BOOK OF MORMON!.. this is my first time completing it on my mission, and it was such a sacred experience. I was just overwhelmed as I looked back on the scriptures that I have come to love and cherish more than I ever did before, and felt so much of the same Spirit I felt while I read these past 10 months. It took me a long time to complete - longer than it ever has in the past, but as a result of that, I have learned so much more than I ever thought I would be able to. I am so grateful for The Book of Mormon and the other scriptures and am so excited to start it over again this week. I'm excited for all I will learn this time around! :) It is SUCH a blessing to know and have a testimony of modern-day revelation and of the fact that God never changes.. In the past, the Gospel was revealed through Prophets in the Bible, again in The Book of Mormon (the same Gospel - how cool is that?) and again today in our day through a living Prophet - Thomas S. Monson. :) 

I have just been overwhelmed this week for love for the members and how they show by their righteous lives that they honor their covenants. It's so wonderful to be able to see so many examples as a missionary - both of things I want to do/become and things I want to make sure to avoid. This truly is the best time!

It's crazy to think that this is my last week being companions with Sister Kitchen, and the last week of this transfer. I am so grateful for all that I've been able to learn and can't wait to see what happens next.. I'm like 98% sure I'll be staying in Post Falls again, but I suppose we'll know more next week! Well, until then, enjoy these pictures of last P-day. Love you all! :) Thanks for all of your love and support. It's appreciated and felt more than you know! :) 

-The Brazilian Grill we went to was super yummy. They have these tokens they give you (in the picture).. you put it on green if you want them to bring out meat quickly (they have a salad bar that you go get food from and then meat servers that go to the tables and offer various meats), yellow if you want them to bring it out slowly or if you're getting full, and red when you're done eating.. I felt so cultural, hahaha. :) 
-The super pretty painting at the Grill.. had to take a picture with it. :)

-10 months! :) 
"God be with you 'till we meet again!"

Hurrah for Israel!

Much Love,
Sister Jennifer Griffith

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