Monday, February 20, 2017


January 30, 2017
^^^^Basically we're super blessed because everyone ALWAYS cancels on us last minute.. but this week, we had a miracle lesson with a new investigator, Ryan, and he didn't cancel, so... miracle!! I will talk more about that later.

This week was honestly SO CRAZY! One day, we went outside in the morning to leave just to see that we had been egged.... ..... .... with only one egg.... what the purpose of that is, I do not know... but... whatever floats their boats! It made us chuckle because it was so cold outside when we were cleaning it up that the yolk and white literally froze to the cement on our porch.. so. funny. 

The highlight of this week was our investigator, Katie's baptism. SHE IS SO CUTE!!! Little Miss Katie had a really neat experience ( I realized that I totally forgot to mention that she was even getting baptized until now.. whoops..) She was SO nervous and so scared all the way up to her baptism, but the night that she was getting baptized, she came in an was just so happy and not nervous at all. She was so calm and peaceful when she went into the water, and again on Sunday when she received The Gift of The Holy Ghost. This Gospel, His Gospel, truly does change people and their hearts. I never get tired of witnessing that incredible change of heart. How Heavenly Father must feel about us when we change, or turn, and repent.... and it was so awesome because like 90% of the people that were there were all her nonmember family. SO AWESOME!

My testimony grew a lot this week in the fact that people are still out there - there are people here who are prepared and ready to hear about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sometimes when people who are not super interested schedule appointments, it's easy to think that they're not going to follow through on that appointment. Well, praying to keep that faith is essential. On Friday during the exchange, we had a church tour scheduled with a Potential Investigator named Ryan. We texted him and he texted back saying, "I'm so glad that you texted because I left your number at home and wanted to let you know that..." (thought he was going to cancel)... "I might be a few minutes late to the Church Tour because I'm working tonight, but I will be there." It was such an exciting moment! He came to the Church Tour, felt the Spirit, and his faith grew so much. He went from the beginning asking surface level questions like, "What are those numbers up there for?" (the hymn numbers in the chapel) to the end when we were looking at the picture of Christ being baptized and asking, "Well... is baptism really essential to get into Heaven?" and teaching himself why he thought Christ was baptized. We have another appointment with him this Wednesday. What a life indeed! There were other miracles this week too. What a blessing this work is!

Well, that's about all that I have time for. I hope and pray that you are all doing wonderfully and feeling the Spirit so strongly in your lives and knowing that you are loved more than you could ever know by our dear Savior, and our Heavenly Father... and me. ;).. even though I don't compare in the slightest to either one of them. 

Enjoy some extra pictures because of the short email! LOVE YOU! :) 

-The ONE egg
-Sometimes we have to get the ice off of our driveways with the back end of a hammer... Don't worry, we have metal shovels now.
-Katie's cuteness self at her baptism. She is literally just like the orphan Annie.
-We live so close to the Temple now.. we can't go in, but we can be outside and take happy pictures on P-day! BLESSINGS! :) <3

"God be with you 'till we meet again!"

Hurrah for Israel!

Much Love,
Sister Jennifer Griffith

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